FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android

Yes but says it VERY quickly

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Erika - 09-20-2014

Received another call, same day mid-afternoon. This is not a "live call" though the recording tries to fool you into thinking it is. "Dan" says he is calling from some generic sounding "work/home/entrepenuer" company that he QUICKLY names...and then says this is a "recorded" if this were a customer service survey call. As soon as I speak..or ask "What do you want" the call terminates. Now that I have heard this I can recall receiving approx. 6 of these calls from cheerful "Dan".
**EACH time the recording terminates when I speak.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Dan
Company: Yes but says it VERY quickly
Number: 208-999-3036

