Your Health Plan
Constantly calls my workplace, I'm not interested. Hope they stop making these unwanted calls.
Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Your Health Plan
Number: 425-201-3350
They want specific info about people and their families! They call all over the country to land lines and cell numbers. Harrassing citizens of the U.S. a minimum of 1 or 2 calls a day. They claim to be Registered Nurses. No self- respecting nurse will try to obtain personal information from so many people in the manner that THEY approach. I say they are a bunch of scammers harrassing, and are scuzzy people that are trying to collect YOUR personal info. They will tell you what you want to hear, especially that they work for YOUR health insurer! Anyone who is a RN trying to check up on your health status will be their at YOUR request, not them trying to hunt you down over the phone and get your info. This might sound a bit crazy, but carefully read some of the posts. You can tell that this outfit even monitors complaints about itself and trys to continue with covering up what they are trying to accomplish, WHICH IS SCAMMING EVERYDAY U.S. CITIZENS OUT OF THEIR PERSONAL INFO! Now they will respond with some B.S. about, "We are a group of registered nurses from blah blah blah trying to help you, is your spouse there?, Would you like any addtional info for your child/children? We know you're not interested, but we can get info for your family. Let me talk to your spouse. My name? Well...I'm not supposed to say....,but it's Jane. Do you want my last name?" "No thank you. I'm not interested, or I received the info from my work". Does NOT work!!! Their response is " We'll call back (usually 3 months from now) to check up on you." What a bunch of B.S.! This scam operation is out of control. FYI they are watching. By me complaining they will just go the extra step to cover their tracks and maybe slip. And that's what I am wanting them to do!!!!!!! This is chess, not checkers
Caller type: Scammer
Company: Your Health Plan
Number: 425-201-3350