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JD - 10-22-2015

Same call I got to day,10-22-2015. I asked which computer I have 5 of them. She couldn't tell me which computer. Also got this call on 9/28/15 at 1;07 p.m. 10/6/15 7:23 p.m. and 10/9/15 from a 954-858-5445 at 2:55 p.m. Today this call came from 365-276-3428. SCAM...they will fix your computer so they can get into it then charge you.....

Number: 365-276-3428


David - 08-10-2015

This lady with an Indian accent called me, and was telling me that the computer that I'm using has an error that does not allow Windows update, and she's from technical support to help me. I'm a software engineer, so this does not fly with me, but I thought that I would take it to wherever she wants to go, and see what she's up to. So she asked me to turn on my computer that has the problem, but she couldn't tell me which computer, and she insisted she's just trying to help me because my computer has these issues. OK. So I continued with the conversation and trying to see where she's going. She asked me to go and run a, and then download TeamView software (which allows them basically to access my computer) so they help me with the windows error. That is when I simply asked them to go and waste somebody else's time.... &^*%($)$$)
Make sure you don't give them any access. I don't know what they wanted to do after they take control of somebody's machine but that was not a risk I was willing to take. Do not install anything that an unknown caller asks you to install. Microsoft will never have a team of technical staff calling their hundreds of millions of users to help with the Windows updates. This is a scam, and be very careful with doing anything on your computer based on what someone calling you out of nowhere.

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 365-276-3428


Bobaloo - 08-05-2015

Same accented English and wanted to get in
my machine's brain
Too funny, I JUST three weeks ago
signed up for the do not call dot gov
and now I get a call a day from all these
assholes. My tax dollars at work.
Never had a problem until I signed up.
go gov go!!!

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 365-276-3428


chrissie - 08-04-2015

Scam thick accent saying there was a problem with my computer and if I could just give them access, they would fix it.

Company: Microsoft
Number: 365-276-3428


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