Give them the info from a credit card you no longer use. Tell them you have to go get it (it should be right here!). Play with them -- waste their time. It's the one thing they can't stand. They'll stop calling you. Don't ask any questions, but don't give them any legitimate info. Credit card numbers use sequences that are chosen to immediately test if the number is "made up" so give them the digits on a real, closed account. Or just tell them you're still looking for your bill or a card.
Caller type: Scammer
Number: 401-466-9512
Robot dialer with recorded offer to lower interest rates. Scam alert! They are trying to get your personal information to open credit cards and sell your SS number to illegal aliens.
Caller type: Scammer
Number: 401-466-9512
Pressed 1, told her I had 8,000.00 in debt. She said ok, then told her to put my name on do not call list. Then she yelled at me to not press 1 on my own phone. I yelled at her to not call my phone. Next time I will be cooking supper or and dragg it out or my kid will be doing something I will have to check on. Maybe I will ask her to hold so I can finish having sex? And make a bunch of moaning and groaning noise!!!
Caller type: Scammer
Company: card services
Number: 401-466-9512