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bk - 04-27-2016

Woman with strong Indian accent called, asked if I was the owner of the computer in my home. When I asked her to clarify she just repeated the question. I asked to be taken off their calling list (I have registered my number with the Do Not Call list so I am guessing they have my data from another source). When I asked to be taken off their calling list the woman got flustered and, what I assume, cussed me out - though I cannot be sure of this as I do not speak her native language.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: no name given
Number: 512-643-8512


jcb - 04-23-2016

Man with strong Indian accent called, told me I was downloading all kinds of viruses onto my Windows Machine. Knew this was a scam, but decided to play him a little. Told him he had wrong number because I only have Macs. He went on and on about how Macs can get viruses too. I finally told him I knew this was a scam, and he hung up on me. Be careful out there. Never let anyone you haven't contacted yourself take control of your computer.

Caller type: Other
Number: 512-643-8512


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