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Liz - 11-16-2015

First I got a call saying I was being sued by the IRS and to call back.I called back and some idiot with a thick accent answered. I asked him who he was & he hung up. I called back and he called me a bitch. I reported to the FBI

Caller type: Other
Caller: no name given
Company: IRS
Number: 518-300-3797


Louie - 11-16-2015

This phone call has an automated caller which claimed to be the IRS and is threatening the person called with a IRS lawsuit. Says you can call back to find out the details.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: IRS
Number: 518-300-3797


Nate - 11-16-2015

Scam, automated call warning of IRS lawsuit

Caller type: Scammer
Company: IRS
Number: 518-300-3797


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