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hoho - 07-15-2014

The guy pass himself off as James Evans. Real scammer, smooth talker. I wish there is some way to track this guy down and give him what is deserved.

Caller type: Other
Number: 602-364-9067


Cathy - 06-27-2014

Person named James, claiming to work for APS power called and he informed me "our call was being recorded and I must clear up my past due debt or power will be shut off immediately." I quickly took offense to his stupidity and slammed James by informing him "I have SRP and you should do your homework first before calling and being so rude to people and threatening them". He promptly hung up on me and I called him back (real smart crook that let his number show up on caller ID) and he answered. I asked him if he really does work for APS, because I was going to file a complaint with his supervisor for being so rude. He hung up on me again and I called APS to let them know someone is trying to represent them. The said they have seen an increase in calls similar where these crooks are trying to get you to pay over the phone.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: James
Number: 602-364-9067


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