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Schar G - 07-27-2011

Called my job yesterday & left msg in an associate voicemail saying I been served. Later in the day called my sisters left same type of message. Then called my parents and said he was a private investigator etc. and left a file number again to give to me. I called the number back this morning and told them to stop calling my job, family and friends. If they truly had business with me, they should send it to the address they have for me. They just know called and said they were returning my call from the number I used today, and they'd be glad to talk to me since he is a manager of the company. Still no details as to who they are, just says Consolidated. No information related to this number on the internet, except from others regarding scammers.

Caller type: Other
Company: Consolidated
Number: 855-403-3853


University of Memphis - 07-27-2011

855-403-3853 Called left threatening message on my identified by name, direct line regarding an employee not even in my department, putting their business on my voicemail. Then stating to the person they were looking for that they had been officially notified. How is that possible I am no agent or representative of the person in attempting to be contacted?

Caller type: Other
Caller: Emma Brown
Company: DId not give company name
Number: 855-403-3853


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