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Cac - 07-17-2013

My ad on craiglist does list my phone number... but not all digits to try to lessen spam and scam. Says he's in USMC semper fi and wanting to buy my phone for his nephew overseas. Wants to pay me an additional $95 over my asking price to pay for shipping. I posted the ad in Mobile, AL and he says he lives here. But he's out of town for several weeks because of military. Lots of errors in typing and almost seems like he doesn't speak English well (if I were to actually speak with him). Says his name is Eric. After I said no Paypal account, he's pushing me to get an account. When I said no cash only in person, he sent the same exact three messages again. Read on several other sites that he is scamming other people

Caller type: Other
Caller: Eric
Number: 202-630-7266