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Shannon Doug or Don

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CredCollector2FBI - 10-18-2010

Their name is Prime West Management Recovery LLC. They are an ILLEGAL COLLECTION AGENCY HUB. Their address is 109 North Maple Suite C, Corona, CA 92880. They also are listed under the number 866-969-7222. They are one of the numerous companies that purchase closed, finalized, or "Zombie" credit reports that ABCNews reported on. Their tactics are Illegal to the FDCPA and have caused people to give their personal information, such as Social Security, FULL Financial Information, and Bank account access, They are not listed by the BBB and have been reported to the FTC on multiple counts.

They will claim to be the "Sheriff's Department" and have a summons to court for outstanding credit issues. They will try to have the person, who owes the debt, to pay the full amount or "lower the debt" in order to pay off in smaller payments. They will want any way to get the payment, Credit Cards, Bank Accounts, and so on. They have been known to use the names Don, Shannon.

If you get a call from either these numbers. Report it to the FTC.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Shannon Doug or Don
Company: Prime West Management Recovey LLC
Number: 866-866-1313

