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chiquita coleman - 11-16-2013

I sent 200 dllrs for loan and they kept called me many times said I was approve for 3 thousand and didn't not receive my money

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Eric
Company: top loan usa
Number: 775-298-1987


Cac - 07-17-2013

My ad on craiglist does list my phone number... but not all digits to try to lessen spam and scam. Says he's in USMC semper fi and wanting to buy my phone for his nephew overseas. Wants to pay me an additional $95 over my asking price to pay for shipping. I posted the ad in Mobile, AL and he says he lives here. But he's out of town for several weeks because of military. Lots of errors in typing and almost seems like he doesn't speak English well (if I were to actually speak with him). Says his name is Eric. After I said no Paypal account, he's pushing me to get an account. When I said no cash only in person, he sent the same exact three messages again. Read on several other sites that he is scamming other people

Caller type: Other
Caller: Eric
Number: 202-630-7266


efat - 07-11-2013

I told him to stop calling. I have no idea if this is a legit charity. What is tis for? These calls dont stop that is why I ret. Call.

Caller type: Fundraiser
Caller: Eric
Company: idaho police
Number: 208-209-3713


web user - 05-19-2013

I received a call at 9:02 PM, Saturday night, May 18th 2013, from 1 (800) 874-7092 from a man saying he was Eric. Not recognizing him or the phone number, and with the haughty attitude and tone he was using, I quickly realized I did not want to talk to them, so I hung up.

Caller: Eric
Number: 800-874-7092


Sophia - 04-26-2013

is this company legit debt collector?

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Eric
Company: UNCI group
Number: 855-785-2514


Christina Beyer - 09-12-2012

The same thing is happening to me right now. In fact I called the number back and a woman answered and said she was harrassed, and they link it through her number until you resond, and then it is the 855-834-5326. Indian accents and very aggressive even when I just asked for simple questions to help better understand. I told them That I was calling the FBI and will give them there name and number, and to bring on the police, he hung up on me and now the phone is quite. I am filing a report with the FBI, and I suggest that Sandra do the same. They need to be stopped and arrest for assault and theft.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Eric
Company: US Criminal Investigations
Number: 855-834-5326


Matt Kreiter - 02-23-2012

This company calls 3 or 4 times per week wanting to talk about safety compliance issues.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: Eric
Company: Safety Services Co
Number: 866-673-6302


GVL SC - 11-08-2011

I just received a call from them and when I answered the phone they hung up quickly. I called them back and the person who answered again hung up immediately. I called back a 3rd time and ERIC answered the phone looking for someone who has the same name as my son but a totally different date of birth! He's not even old enough to have debt!

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Eric
Company: CMC
Number: 920-321-0827


webuser - 06-01-2011

indicated he was with a lawfirm and was going to record our conversation and started asking all kinds of questions about address and social security number and when i didnt answer him he hung up, he then called my cell number and left me a message that they wud have to take me to court if i didnt call him back

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Eric
Company: Law Firm
Number: 650-425-1020


Maria - 02-15-2011

Stated they were calling on behalf of a lawyer and if I wouldn't return their call I would go to jail.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Eric
Number: 817-400-6871


Deedee - 07-16-2010

claimed to be a lawfirm stating criminal charges were filed against me

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Eric
Company: wislon and cox
Number: 213-799-2204


Kari - 05-10-2010

This man was extremely rude and became even more rude when I said "who is this". I would like to know how this jerk got our phone number.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Eric
Number: 661-208-3127


DanX - 04-28-2010

company legit. spoke with this guy. was able to answer all of my questions. got a number of info from them

Caller: Eric
Number: 650-396-7042


Jeus Paredes - 04-20-2010

Ask Who I Was If I Can Purchase For The Company And Said Thank You For You Order I Never Have Place Any Order With Him Or Nobody Else What A Scam This Is For The Record Never Have I Place Any Order With This Unknown Person Or Company

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Eric
Company: Industrial Supplies
Number: 818-742-6049


K R - 10-29-2008

harrasing debt collectors.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Eric
Company: P B Capitol
Number: 813-889-9600

