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USSP Shipping

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chicks - 05-20-2024

Tried getting a manager's name, which I did not give, then proceed to advise they had a package returned and they were verifying an address. I played along, gave bad info for everything they asked/requested. This is like the old scam where someone called and asked for the model number of copy machine, then you end up with a truck load of toner. They put some dude on the phone named John Vincent at 844-877-4455. Good luck with that order John LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: John Vincent
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 248-260-5516


Jill - 06-28-2023

A gentleman with a heavy accent called and said his name was KEnt ( which is the first 4 letters of the company I work for where he called) told me he was new so got his supervisor on the phone, she lied her way threw the call until I realized she was setting me up for an order and promised to come meet with me AGAIN for lunch and to see the guys. I asked her where she would be coming from. She said she was in Florida then said she had to stop in north carolina and she had an office in des moines. What a liar, hell awaits for her

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Kent Lisa
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 641-215-6681


rw - 12-13-2021

tried getting my current address for a package that was sent back to them lol

Caller type: Scammer
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 916-304-1891


Holley - 06-11-2020

Left a voicemail stating they had a package for an employee but there were two different addresses and needed to get it corrected in order to deliver the package. I called back and told them I knew they were a scam. They hung up before I completed that statement.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Jo Gallow
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 855-731-7489


Paul - 06-09-2020

Dont have a clue what they wanted.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Eric
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 412-516-2644


Duke - 04-08-2020

Tried to tell me they had shipping problems and their VP was asking them to reach out to customers. I tried to ask questions about who they were, but they talked over me and said they were sorry and transferring my call to customer service. Person sped through their come-on, without letting me to get a word in. Obvious scam.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 360-777-7739


S - 06-19-2019

Lady called (just the receptionist!)said they'd tried to deliver a package several times. She read the company name so fast that it too three times repeating it before I caught it - USSP Shipping. Call was at 9:07 AM EDT. I have just moved so thought it might be legit. Asked to transfer me to shipping. They gave me an address I didn't know and i hung up. Call said Chester Springs, PA which is reasonably close to where i used to live.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 484-209-6111


SD - 02-15-2019

Calling to ask me about a failed delivery attempt to an old company I owned asking for the correct address.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 704-709-1966


L - 12-20-2018

Asked for the owner of the company by name. Said he was Frank from USSP Shipping, tried to deliver a package which was denied and needed info to re-route the package. Hung up after I placed them on Hold.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Frank
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 816-219-2102


j - 10-04-2018

The caller said that a delivery was attempted and denied. When asked about the sender she transferred me to another person, this person, asked for my cellphone number which I refuse and was rather rude to me when I said that they didn't need that information. Then she refused to answer any questions but rather she kept asking for company information that if they were truly a carrier should already have. Then she made a political comment and hung up on me.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Angela
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 712-568-3852


Roni - 09-25-2018

They keep calling saying we have a delivery that has been rejected and need to verify our address. I have asked them several times to take us off their calling list. Still I receive calls at least once a week. Today, I asked for a phone number and name (above) and would have someone call them back.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Jivoni
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 712-568-3852


stephanie - 08-30-2018

This is a scam... they tried gathering personal information from me after calling my workplace and asking for a manager. Once I told them I wasn't at liberty to provide the information they were looking for, they hung up on me.

Caller type: Other
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 847-443-0349


Debora - 08-24-2018

Sasha called talking as fast as she could requiring me to ask her to repeat again who she was and what company she was with. Stated she was with USSP Shipping and they tried to deliver a package to us but were unable. When I stated that no, you did not because we had not ordered anything recently that we had not received and certainly nothing from her company. I told her she had the wrong number and she promptly muttered something in a disgusted manner and hung up. As a side note, our company has received several calls from this company originating from different phone numbers as well as emails indicating the same company, USSP, stating there was a failed delivery and to please click on the link provided and fill out the information so delivery can be completed. I've never clicked the link so I do not know what it specifically asks.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Sasha
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 870-230-0097


Lg - 10-31-2017

Caller said they have tried to deliver several times and were denied. I told her we have not had any deliveries, asked what was being shipped she did not know wanted to connect me to the President of the company.. Asked again what was being delivered and the girl said she was new there she would connect me to patient..

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Michelle
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 401-214-0598


AdminLady - 07-18-2017

They call our office nearly everyday asking for information and we just question them, and they cannot give any straight answers until they hang up.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 651-333-3708


Outdoosman - 07-12-2017

Call scam they just want personal information

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Jeff
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 443-258-9421


carolyn - 06-01-2017

He called to speak to "Kevin". When asked if Kevin was expecting his call, he said "he should be" (he wasn't). Ultimately he said he had a package to deliver but the zip code was missing so he just needed to confirm our address. When pressed for additional information, he said we had ordered from them before (we had not) and they were just sending a gift (Washington National jersey).

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Franky
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 757-280-1599


Tn - 05-23-2017

scammer said they could not send package due to water damaged label then they wanted to send promotional items but needed small fee to process

Caller type: Scammer
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 865-205-9378


Ukiah - 05-03-2017

She said she needed to speak with our service or maintenance manager because a package could not be delivered until she did per a man in our company that has been dead for 15 year. lol. After I told her those positions did not exist here she refused to give me any further information and hung up

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: no name given
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 707-219-2155


E - 03-10-2017

Very rude. Said she had a package to deliver to the owner. Wanted his private number when told he was unavailable until the following week [on a Friday] "Wow and he's supposed to be your service manager"
Could not provide and tangible information and refused to leave a message.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 708-292-6447


Angel - 01-12-2017

Asked the receptionist for me by name, they asked what is was regarding and he said I just need to speak with her. Ordinarily they wouldn't even transfer a call to me like that but they were curious how I would handle such a rude caller, basically the receptionist was looking for the entertainment value. When I picked up they hung up the phone - Called the # on caller ID 619.309.2323 - Message identifies company as USSP Shipping - hold music plays with intervals of a young girls voice recording on how our call is very important to them.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Bryan
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 619-309-2323


Cat - 11-02-2016

Called and said that they had an undelivered package for UPS Ground.Asked for the warehouse manger, and used the owners name. LOL. I asked where was the package going to, gave an address the was old and no longer there. Could not give a tracking number. I asked if this was a sales call and he said no. Then I tell him that all of our packages for UPS Ground are marked for delivery and exceptions notifications. told him that he would have to get me more information so I could help him. Another man called same number asked for a company no longer in business then hung up. I called to asked them to remove our number I got a recording identifying the company as USSP Shipping. if this is a telemarketer they need to train their callers better.LOL

Caller type: Scammer
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 713-574-1321


KayG - 10-28-2016

Caller asked for my husband. I asked who was calling and she said USSP Shipping. They had a package to deliver but she needed to talk to my husband before they could deliver. She wanted a cell number where she could reach him. I asked who the package was from and she said "US Standard." Asked where they wanted to deliver it and she said Pasco, WA. I asked for the delivery address and she said she would have the driver call me. He never did. I did some research on the internet and found that others had received similar calls across the United States.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 509-717-3237


tired - 04-13-2016

Spoofed number
Also called themselves KAX Sports promotions
also spoke with Kelly Listz

Caller type: Telemarketer
Caller: Dave Allen
Company: USSP Shipping
Number: 435-310-2035

